Eltronic receives KUKA award “Partner Collaboration of the year”

We are proud and honored that Eltronic has just received the "Partner Collaboration of the year" award from KUKA. The award took place during the annual KUKA System Partner Award in Göteborg.

Eltronic receives KUKA award “Partner Collaboration of the year”

We are proud and honored that Eltronic has just received the “Partner Collaboration of the year” award from KUKA. The award took place during the annual KUKA System Partner Award in Göteborg.


Brave steps towards valuable collaboration

Eltronic is proud to share the award with our partner CH System. An award that marks our collaboration, which developed in parallel with an increasing customer delivery for one of Eltronic’s customers. Eltronic made a courageous decision to enter into a partnership to utilize expertise and available capacity. A collaboration that was necessary and crucial to meet the customer’s needs and deliver the most optimal solution.

A living example of the industry’s strength through cooperation

CEO Morten Svendsen states: “We are extremely proud and honored to receive this award. It took courage to take the step and reach out to industry peers, but it is precisely this kind of collaboration that is necessary. If we do not have the courage for this type of cooperation, we risk that projects will no longer be solved in Denmark but by foreign actors.”

This is a living example of how companies in our industry can achieve impressive results through collaboration in handling and delivering solutions to our customers. An effort that supports the preservation of important projects within our country’s borders.

With this award, we would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to KUKA, CH Systems, and Eltronic’s dedicated employees – we look forward to continuing the collaboration and are excited about the opportunities that the future holds.